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Hero cards


As a race fan, you've probably collected at least a couple of hero cards at some point. Also referred to as autograph cards, they show you and your car, accomplishments, sponsors, or anything else you might want to show off to fans. 


Hero cards are a great way to connect with the fan base! We've learned that there's always fans that love to get them from you, whether it be at the national or local level of racing. Kids and sponsors alike enjoy hero cards, and they're a great easy way to add value to your racing brand!

hero cards icon.png

hero cards


Starts at $300

Check out some hero card examples below!


Kole Raz

kole hero cards-02.png
kole hero cards-01.png
2023 cards 4x6-02.png
2023 cards 4x6-01.png

Chance Crum

Stanford hero card new-02.png
Stanford hero card new-01.png

Thomas stanford

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